Friday, October 23, 2020

EOTO 1 Learned From


    While listening to my classmates EOTO presentation, I decided to discuss another groups information on the VCR invention. Created in 1956, Ampex created the first videotape recorder. In the location of Colorado, this invention was intended for television media outlets to record their broadcasts of audio and video, at the same time. At the time of this breakthrough, these costed around 50K which had a spinning head that captured video and audio with a tape to convert the data to the television. This was obviously a very expensive product, and had some problems to deal with. First, it was clunky and a slow process to work with. If it had malfunctions, the cost of fixing this was so much for the user. The VHS allows for a family to record any broadcast and watch it at your own leisure. Global communication was impacted since breaking news could be recorded from anywhere on the globe. TV and Media culture increases heavy due to channels with sports, entertainment, and music for the users to watch and get hooked on. However, this invention has had some negative sides including families clearly being glued to their televisions, which is less physical activity. Copyright and infringment issues occurred with users able to copy media and burn footage on their own tapes, which is illegal. Companies like Disney and Sony had plenty of copyright issues that affected their businesses. Overall, this was a great invention that allowed media outlets to record audio and video simultaneously which transitioned into families using them in their homes for personal uses with television. 

SeeThru: How The VHS Tape Transformed Society. (2019, October 21). Retrieved October 03, 2020,

Tuesday, October 13, 2020



    For my first technology EOTO, I chose long distance calling as my technology to teach to the class. Phone calling is a very interesting technology to choose, since everyday we use our phones to interact and communicate with others regardless of their location. Long distance calling allows a call to be made to a location outside a defined local calling area. The first long distance wired phone call occurred in February of 1877. Alexander Graham Bell, a famous inventor and scientist, was the first person to complete a call from outside a defined area, as Bell broke boundaries that were unimaginable. Bell completed this call from Salem, MA to Boston, MA, where his sidekick Thomas Watson was receiving the words of Bell on the other side. The tools they invented are described as a ten by eight inch wooden box with hole on the side. The caller would have to listen and speak from the same hole on the front of the box. Thomas Watson played a huge role in discovering this new technology, as he created a thumper mechanic to allow the receiver that a call was coming through. The two would exchange simple greetings to one another and were impressed their technology worked so well. These two inventors would later create the first effective transcontential call across the United States. This is when a call in within the same country, but in a different state. Thomas Watson started this call from New York City. Alexander Bell was receiving the call on the other side of the country, in San Fransisco which means this call traveled around 3,400 miles. President Woodrow Wilson and the two mayors were also involved in the call observing this milestone in technological history. Both of these calls allowed a change in the way people communicate, since users can have conversations without being right beside someone. The phone is credited as Bell’s greatest invention, and rightfully so. 

Long distance calling is categorized into two types, national and international calling. National calls connect calls that are within the same country. International calls are farther ranged calls that connect callers between 2 different countries. Costs of these phone calls vary by country, as international calling tends to be more expensive. I have traveled out of the country before, and it has always sparked my interest why international calls are so expensive and using cell service in another country. While a call is made, gateways and ‘legs’ of the calls are charged by numerous third parties. If you have Verizon, they have to cover each of the costs and have to charge these in order to make profit on your call. Basically, these calls have to go through multiple gateways and foreign networks to be user effective.

Friday, October 9, 2020

8 Values of Expression

                While reading and discussing the eight values of expression, one for sure stood out to me personally. The self-actualization aspect is the most significant out of the values. As we discussed in lecture, free speech allows an individual to express themselves and create their own identity. Robert Maslow, an American psychologist, created his famous Maslow Hierarchy of Needs that puts human needs on different levels in a hierarchal model. Self-actualization is the highest psychological development where an individual realizes their own self potential and talents. Maslow said that human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change through personal growth. Self-actualized individuals are personally fulfilled and don’t need the approval of others to live their life. Maslow uses ‘peak experiences’ as a way to scale out self-actualization. He believes that when a person experiences the world for what it is, with feelings of joy and euphoria, is how they can realize their full potential. 

        To me, self-actualization is a very important concept since it is an acceptance of who you are. I would say I am self-actualized, since I accept myself for who I am and am comfortable in my own personality. A part of this value includes people being able to enjoy themselves for who they are and living life guilt free. Another major characteristic in self-actualization is the realistic view one takes. They use a sense of realism, which means the individual is not fearful of things unknown and view the world in a logical and rational sense without emotions getting the best of them. Individuals that have a strong sense of personal ethics will apply their problem-solving skills and always are determined to find the solution or answer to a problem. The most important concept within this value is being autonomous. Self-actualized people are autonomous, meaning they can think independently and don’t conform to other people’s ideas of contentment. I tend to think of myself as a somewhat social person and don’t mind conversation, but I enjoy spending time with myself. Spending time by yourself has a negative meaning in societal terms since people think a person who is alone is depressed, weird, or antisocial. Going to get food by yourself or study in a coffee shop by yourself is totally normal and allows people to contain their thoughts to themselves and reflect on who they are. I believe being alone is a great exercise for the human mind as you can be fully independent and figure out what you are as a person. Getting comfortable in your own skin can be difficult, but the more time you spend with yourself will lead to you figuring out more ideas about yourself as an individual.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


    Prior to this course, I have never seen this Antiwar site which has been eye opening to say the least. Just on the front page itself, there are hundreds of Nonpartisan news stories being ran regarding the latest news on dealings, rulings, and war all around the globe. It is hysterical that major news media corporations choose to run stories focusing on President Trump saying something rude or drama filled political scandals that create more views for these sites. I believe it is hard to find these types of sites and stories since it does not fit media agenda to talk about war crimes that occur daily all across the globe, killing innocent people. CNN, Fox News, and ABC choose to not run these stories about the war on terror, but would rather focus on issues that create them more revenue and cause controversy through the masses of people who get on the internet daily. The media loves when their is division and violence between the people of a country. Running a story about the Iran Deal or tariffs placed on China aren’t interesting enough, even though those stories should be spread so the public is aware with what is occurring on the globe. Foreign policy and war news is far more important and current to discuss to show the effects of violence occurring over the globe, especially in countries like the Middle East. American media will not run stories about the United States waging military operations and drone strikes killing thousands since this information is harmful for the image of America. Instead, these stories are censored and get downplayed even though they are cold hard facts that happen daily.

Final Post

       Realistically, I have a large online footprint through numerous social media sites I have been using for around 8-10 years. The first...