Tuesday, October 6, 2020


    Prior to this course, I have never seen this Antiwar site which has been eye opening to say the least. Just on the front page itself, there are hundreds of Nonpartisan news stories being ran regarding the latest news on dealings, rulings, and war all around the globe. It is hysterical that major news media corporations choose to run stories focusing on President Trump saying something rude or drama filled political scandals that create more views for these sites. I believe it is hard to find these types of sites and stories since it does not fit media agenda to talk about war crimes that occur daily all across the globe, killing innocent people. CNN, Fox News, and ABC choose to not run these stories about the war on terror, but would rather focus on issues that create them more revenue and cause controversy through the masses of people who get on the internet daily. The media loves when their is division and violence between the people of a country. Running a story about the Iran Deal or tariffs placed on China aren’t interesting enough, even though those stories should be spread so the public is aware with what is occurring on the globe. Foreign policy and war news is far more important and current to discuss to show the effects of violence occurring over the globe, especially in countries like the Middle East. American media will not run stories about the United States waging military operations and drone strikes killing thousands since this information is harmful for the image of America. Instead, these stories are censored and get downplayed even though they are cold hard facts that happen daily. 


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