Monday, September 28, 2020

Blog post 2- Supreme Court


        The Supreme Court was established in 1789 due to Article Three of the US Constitution. The significance of their decisions is crucial since they have ultimate jurisdiction over all laws inside of the United States. The court is composed of 9 justices whose job is to make sure the power isn’t lopsided of the two other branches of government, being the executive and legislative powers. 

The Supreme Court’s justices are nominated to their position exclusively by the President of the United States and then confirmed or denied by the US Senate. The first Supreme Court was composed of Chief Justice John Jay, John Rutledge, William Cushing, John Blair, Robert Harrison, and James Wilson. John Jay has the responsibilities’ of conducting the Supreme Court and sets the agenda for weekly meetings for the judges. When the majority opinion is included in the Chief Justice’s thoughts (in agreement), then the justice is allowed to choose who will write the court’s overall opinion. The Chief Justice determines the trials of impeachment of the President of the United States, for example President Johnson and Clinton, who were impeached and acquitted. 

There have been plenty of cases that have held high significance and have had major effects on the people of the United States. Cases involving civil rights like Plessy v Ferguson and Dred Scott vs Sandford show the impacts of denying citizenship and upholding segregation laws on African American slaves in the 1800s. Another popular case decided by the SCOTUS is Roe v Wade, where in 1973, it was ruled that women are allowed to choose if they can have an abortion during the first two trimesters.

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