Friday, November 27, 2020


This class has opened my eyes on a topic I should think more often about, which is privacy. Since I have such a large internet presence, my personal information can be easily accessed, and my privacy is no longer there. Every time I search something on Google or check my social media, the internet collects more information about myself and search tendencies. Cookies from these sites are built to track your every move, which is why people receive a targeted advertisement on their screens. 

I have become a firm believer in not posting political or social ideas on the internet, as it is not worth the consequences. Having less posts about yourself on social media sites is better, since people cannot find a tweet from 5 years ago that could offend individuals. This isn’t taught to younger people, which it should be. Everything you post is permanent and will not go away because you want it too. People that use the internet need to understand that websites track there every move and their privacy is basically nonexistent. Be careful in what you post as it can come back to affect you in the future. Make sure you understand what sites like Google and Facebook use their platforms for, which is to track your information and use the user for advertisement purposes. Stay safe on the web!

Notes/discussion from lecture!

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Final Post

       Realistically, I have a large online footprint through numerous social media sites I have been using for around 8-10 years. The first...