Monday, November 2, 2020

Diffusion of Innovations


The diffusion theory is a very useful tool that allows users to figure out how inventions were created from a timeline viewpoint and how they became use in society. Breaking down significant key points in the process is a great way that this theory illustrates the effects of technology. This theory helps humans understand why items come into norm and are used daily by people, and if they are for real or not. 

My technology is the long distance calling, which is what I chose for my first EOTO. The first long distance wired phone call occurred in February of 1877. Alexander Graham Bell, a famous inventor and scientist, was the first person to complete a call from outside a defined area, as Bell broke boundaries that were unimaginable. Bell completed this call from Salem, MA to Boston, MA, where his sidekick Thomas Watson was receiving the words of Bell on the other side. The tools they invented are described as a ten by eight inch wooden box with hole on the side. The caller would have to listen and speak from the same hole on the front of the box. Thomas Watson played a huge role in discovering this new technology, as he created a thumper mechanic to allow the receiver that a call was coming through. The two would exchange simple greetings to one another and were impressed their technology worked so well. 

The phone became an instant hit and proved to stay in society. Nowadays, everyone uses a cell phone to communicate with people across the globe. I believe when relating to this theory means that Bell and Watson were ahead of their time with this impressive invention. They didn't realize that their invention would be as used as it is today. Everyday use, business transactions, and so many more things similar are used with the use of calling. 

Early users initially used this invention for simple discussions for family members that were on the other side of the country. Today, people use calling for the same reasons, just on a different scale. The speeds that phones process information nowadays is exponentially times faster that when the first long distance call happened in 1877. The downsides of this for late adopters (today) is the excess of use on our phones. We use phone calling so frequently it downplays the significance of each call like Watson had originally planned for. 

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